This story was told to me by a friend of mine, a flight attendant for a company I will not name. This airline allows small dogs in the cabin, but they are to be kept in their kennel/traveling bag. The flight attendant noticed some movement under a blanket that a female passenger was holding on her chest. Suspecting that her dog was out of the kennel, he asked to see under the blanket. He pulled it off her and saw that the woman was BREASTFEEDING the small dog!!!!!!!!!!! There you go, this might be the most disturbing, scary airplane story you’ll ever hear!!!
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{ 23 comments… read them below or add one }
I would have taken pictures…
That is some crazy crap!!
OMG-that completely freaks me out!! just plain nasty.
Wow, that is SO WEIRD!!!
Truly disgusting!
hold one…what?
Right. Sure. Don't be a dumbass. Thanks for the time-wasting story.
Thanks for that, Collin. I was gonna say….
Not even possible. But thanks for keeping me from the vending machine for the next 3 hours.
They most certainly can do that, at least when they are young, maybe if they do it all the time they never out grow it? I don't know, but when my cat was a kitten, she was taken away from her mother before she was weaned (evidently, as I discovered). One day I was holding her and she started sucking on my cheek! I was like, "What the…?!!" but then I realized what was going on. Anyway, it's disgusting and foul if it's true. YUK!!!
Freakin weirdos out there.
Since women only lactate when they've recently given birth (and I'm assuming she did not give birth to the dog?) she wasn't actually nursing the dog. If anything, she was getting a sexual thrill from the dog using her as a pacifier.
Beastiality is illegal. The FA should have had her arrested.
that makes me sick. what a hooker. she should have been arrested.
I'm sorry, but why are some poeple here so dense. How is it not possible for a human (a mammal) to breastfeed another mammal? Take a high school bio class before you come here with ignorance. Cow milk is consumed by humans everyday, so human milk can most certainly be consumed by other mammals. It's very unconvential and definitely weird behavior especailly on a plane.
That is f'ing disgusting.
Only thing that would have made the story better was if she'd smeared her crotch with peanut butter.
I wonder how many people commenting here drink cow's milk. Just as disgusting, you're just not at the animal's teat.
I'm calling shenanigans.
All things considered, I call balderdash.
Was it the mother from Mean Girls
Check out the last paragraph in this article about a similar incident involving someone breastfeeding her dog during a flight (maybe it was the same woman!): Confessions of an airline agent.