About six years ago, I traveled with the passenger from hell. The problem was, it was my husband.
We were going from New York to Sacramento, CA to visit my relatives. I should have known the trip was doomed when he forgot his insulin (hubby dearest was diabetic) and didn’t remember until we were almost at the airport. The cabbie had to turn around so that we could retrieve it from home.
It got worse from there. I put my portable cassette player on, but barely got to listen to it – hubby dearest poked me in the ribs every four bars, wanting my undivided attention. Then he didn’t like the diabetic meal that he had insisted that I order for him. Then it was the brand of soft drink served. And then the in-flight entertainment. Finally I threatened to stuff him in the overhead compartment if he didn’t knock it off. And then the flight attendant offered to help.
I left hubby dearest six weeks after we returned. Now I fly solo.
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You sound like a bitch
I agree with Joe, bitch
sounds like hubby was an ass.
im hungry, get in the kitchen and make me something
oh, and you're fat, you should probably puke after every meal
I agree bitch.
I bet he's so releaved you are out of the picture. Heaven knows his remembering his meds and to eat properly surely did in your evil plan to kill him so you could collect on his life insurance before you decided to leave. With your attitude you are doing every other man a favor by flying solo…permanently.
I think this points out a larger problem with our society.
Who knows what the real deal is, but it sounds depressing. Anyone making jokes about divorce is demented.
Hopefully she will continue to fly solo, and just leave other people alone.
You were still using a cassette player 6 years ago?!? How's that VCR still working for you?
Wow. 'Hubby Dearest'??? Geez lady, you're a bitch-and-a-half.
please tell me you didn't have childern Mommy dearest…
Using a disability as an excuse to languish in spoiled teenie land is pretty common.
Forget 'em, let their parents take care of them.
Did you not know him when you married him or something? What in gods name are you complaining about? You sound like a peach. He's better off without you.
If he really can't find some way to entertain himself during a 5-6 hour flight (and resorts to poking in the ribs someone he supposedly cares about) and can't take care of his own meal preferences, he's not mature enough to be married. Also, I have several friends who are diabetic – they never go anywhere without their insulin. How do you forget something that might just keep you alive?
She's not a bitch. He sounds like a child. I was in a relationship for two years with someone like this and am glad I got out before we got married.
He sounds like a self-centered child. Too bad you forgot his bottle and diapers. That way he could keep his mouth shut and entertain himself with spontaneous urination. Glad you left him.
For your information, everyone, the man was abusive. With a capital A. He stole from my purse to buy drugs, and slapped me around when I spoke up. And if divorcing him makes me a bitch, then so be it!
"Hubby Dearest"'s ex
I don't think you're a bitch at all. Like MJ said, if he couldn't find a way to entertain himself during a flight, remember important medication, and can't take care of his own meal, you're better off without him. People like that give real men a bad name. He sounds like an adult child who wants someone to always take care of him.
Oh and by the way, there are things called MP3 players out there now. They are lots smaller & hold far more music than cassette tapes.
Sounds like she was dragging him to see HER relatives and he was being a passive aggressive A-Hole, but since they were going to HER relatives she should have tried just a little to make him happy during that trip.
well – you should have opened the door and pushed him off the plane, LOL
Lol, well glad that it worked out for you. I would've snapped through the flight and started yelling at him.
Joe Mama – this was back in 2001, when people still used cassette players. I now have a 4GB MP3 player and am very happy with it.
Sharon, how does that make any sense? Unless her parents are regrettably terrible to him (and I can't judge based on this story, but I would hope they're cordial at worst), they were *his* family, too. And just because they were going to see her parents, it doesn't give him an excuse to act worse than a 5-year-old child.
Sing it, Tammy Wynette: "D I V O R C E"
definitely a bitch
yup, just another bitchy bitch bitching. Praise the lord for your husband's freedom.
Sure, call me a bitch for not wanting to be a doormat. What-freakin-ever. Go back to watching Jerry Springer, iamdogmatic.
It's hard for me to feel sympathy for anyone who is in an abusive relationship, because seriously; how well could you possibly have known this guy before you married him?
Ignore them Jeanie. I was lucky to have learned at an early age that you never really know someone till you take a trip with them.
Order my food, I don't like my food, where's my medication, pay attention to me, entertain me!
Mom should've cut the apron strings a little sooner.
Try driving across Europe with the man you love – that's the true test!
I am a Type 1 diabetic and fly all the time. Yes, my wife does help me monitor my sugar levels (because they drop suddenly sometimes) when I am with/without her. However, it is not her disease, it is mine….so, I have to be responsible enough to make sure I am prepared for any situation. There are always two sides to a story….but, the husband needs to take care of himself and not pawn it off on anyone.
One thing that I am curious about though – How long did you know this guy before this condition arose? If this is something that you knew about from the very beginning? If so, then you are an idiot for getting involved…because he is trying to take advantage of you. If not, then you are an even bigger idiot for not helping him understand what he needs to do to control his disease….because obviously he can't manage his environment himself and/or doesn't have the education.
Diabetes is a real pain in the a– to control. It can bring the strongest person to their knees in a heartbeat. I take no sides on this story…both people are acting like selfish children.
Jeanie, I dont think you're a bitch at all.
You are a borderline personality disordered person.
Believe me, I deal with the problem every day, and can spot it in the first sentence they speak.
I hope you find happiness alone, please don't try to complicate any one else's life with your problem.
It would probably be best if, in the future, you left your amateur psych diagnoses out of your comments. You only make yourself look foolish.
Nah, you’re still a bitch.
I can't believe you're slagging her off like that! How can you judge a person like that from just a few lines?! You don't know her at all nor how he was like to her before they got married. You're all morons!
Agreed, You're All Bitc: Everyone who posted here (except me) is a moronic turd-burger.
Why was everyone so mean to her. Did everyone REALLY sympathize with the guy? Yeesh. Maybe they were all joking.