A Valuable Lesson

August 26, 2009

in Odor Stories

Over the years I have logged thousands of hours sitting on planes and it was on one of these flights that I learned where not to sit, if at all possible.

I had made a last minute change to my plans so I had to jump on a plane at the last minute. Not too many seats left so I jumped at the offer of an aisle seat. The seat was in the second last row of the plane. I did not really care as at least I had an aisle seat. The flight was going well and was uneventful. That is when I learned one of the most valuable lessons in seat selection. Never take an aisle seat close to the bathroom.

There was some kind of meal service and once the service was done, the procession to the bathroom began. A line had formed in the aisle and every one felt they had to lean on my seat or use it to pull themselves along toward the bathroom. This was annoying enough, but then it happened. A person waiting in line, hanging on to my seat for dear life, started farting! Well, it was not pretty to say the least. Here I am sitting with my head not far from this person’s musical body part so there was no denying who was smelling up our section of the plane as I could easily hear this person’s rear end burps.

So now when I travel if I need to sit very near the bathroom, I will take any seat but the aisle. No more butt smelling for me!

A Fellow Traveler

{ 1 comment… read it below or add one }

Jeanie August 28, 2009 at 7:23 am

Boy… that really stinks.


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