No Shame

March 1, 2010

in Passenger Stories

[Mature content]

My family was taking a flight from San Francisco to Bangkok. Flying in business class, we got nice treatment all the way from the attendants.

The flight was made terrible by a group of Asian men. The got as drunk as they could, belching and laughing while around them others tried to sleep. They were also passing around a series of porno magazines, holding them up so that the other members of the group could see the pictures. The attendant got them to stop. Then, after they finally quieted down, the one across the aisle from my daughters moved his hand under his blanket and proceeded to move it up and down by his middle area. I couldn’t believe it, but yes, he was whacking off. He did this two or three times during the flight; I pity the flight attendant who picked up that blanket.

We saw them in Bangkok being met by a group of very young looking ladies, their personal tour guides no doubt. No shame.

{ 2 comments… read them below or add one }

david March 1, 2010 at 6:39 pm

thats disgusting, but not at all suprised

it seems to happen more in business class as peopl feel more etitled and believe they paid x amount so they should do whatever

dont think pinting out they were asian is necessary, since the majority who play with themselves on planes are caucasions/whites, and i read a study lat year that americans the most common offenders when it comes to playtime (cnt remember were i read it but i am sure some research will find it

im sure you know that thailand is famous for their women


LC March 5, 2010 at 1:59 pm

and their lady boys ;D


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