I had to fly out West for a meeting with some colleagues about a web site kirtasbooks.com. Meeting went well, boarded the red-eye to head back to NY. I was seated next to a 60ish year old man in the dirtiest sport coat you’ve ever seen. He smelled like sour milk, but it gets better. […]
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I was flying back to Fargo from Boston after a spring break. In the six months prior to this flight, I had passed 15+ kidney stones. The very week prior to this flight, I had surgery to remove a rather large stone. After that surgery, I was given an antibiotic to help avoid an infection. […]
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I was flying from Las Vegas to Oakland on a late morning flight. My 3 year old son was flying with me and I was 2 months pregnant and was experiencing extreme morning sickness. My son sat down next to the window and I sat in the center seat. A large man sat next to […]
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In February of 2001 my granny passed away from a massive heart attack. As to be expected I was quite upset. At the time I was stationed in Ft. Lewis, Wa and my family was in Asheville, NC. I got the first flight out that I could which was early the next morning. I actually […]
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After departing on a red eye flight from Cancun to LAX in January 2008, my husband, myself and sister surely thought it would be a quiet flight where we would get the opportunity to sleep through the entire thing. However, quickly we discovered that we got stuck sitting in front of a father and son […]
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I remember the day as if it were yesterday. It was May 1976, I was 18. My first time and alone on an airplane and headed out from Fort Lauderdale, Florida to Denver, Colorado. I was going to spend the whole month of May with my cousins hiking, camping and enjoying the Rockies. It was […]
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I was flying from Canada to Germany in the Bulkhead area, so I had roughly 3 feet of space in front of me. I always take extra strength Advil on the flight as I get a migraine once every couple of weeks, however I had never had a migraine on a flight before. We had […]
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My husband and I were traveling with our 7 year old son to go to Zurich Switzerland from Atlanta on Delta back in Sept 08. Well we were all very excited and had very little hiccups since we arrived at the airport. Security wasn’t so bad, with no delays… As we board the plane we […]
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Took a flight from O’Hare to San Francisco. Sat in the last row, window seat. Only 1 open seat on the plane near the front of the plane. An overweight woman sat next to me whose thighs overhang her seat and squished next to mine. That is not the bad part (although it was bad). […]
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My sister was married in Cancun, Mexico a few years ago. A few hours before the ceremony, my grandmother slipped on some wet marble, fell, and broke her knee. A few days later we arrived at the airport, prepared to head home on a U.S. Airways flight. The airline had no idea how to deal […]
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How about flight from hell, for my disabled husband? The boneheads at security always frisk him down. Even ask him if he can walk (he’s in a wheelchair), what would YOU assume? He can walk only with assistance because he hasn’t ANY balance. So it is a comedy of errors trying to get him thru […]
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On a recent flight from El Paso to Denver on board a 50 seat RJ I found a reason to give up flying. I was in row one on the aisle; a woman sat directly behind me in row two. After we departed and leveled off the in-flight “service” began consisting of our choice of […]
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