A Pocket Full of Vomit

August 6, 2017

in Seat Stories

My sister and brother-in-law flew Virgin Airlines for a wedding anniversary celebration to Tahiti last year. Upon their return their reply to the question,”How was your holiday?” resulted in this story, and consequently I would never recommend this airline.

Looking in the seat pocket for in-flight information, my sister plunged her hand into a pocket full of vomit. Even worse, she noticed that the seat was damp and smelling of vomit. What does this tell us about the “TURN AROUND” cleaning?

Mistakes and oversights happen, but when the situation was pointed out to the cabin staff, it was ignored. A gentle reminder about it when the cabin staff were less busy was also ignored.

It is appalling that basic consideration and hygiene were ignored. These were not only paying customers, but above all else fellow human beings. Where is our respect, let alone our duty of service and care?

{ 2 comments… read them below or add one }

prp August 7, 2017 at 3:21 pm



weyoun September 3, 2017 at 7:56 pm

That's pretty disgusting and so unhealthy and unhygienic and since it was wet god knows what sort of illness that person might have. Did you take a photo? Your sister should get tested


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