Outraged Over Lost Luggage

October 7, 2009

in Luggage Stories

I was traveling with a school group from Texas to Moscow Russia via Miami and Brussels (never used this travel agency again).

When I got to Moscow, my luggage was missing. No, not missing. LOST! The airline people had no idea where my luggage was. The problem was that I was leaving Moscow that night to St. Petersburg. They promised to have a resolution by 6 pm.

No such luck. I left to St. Petersburg with only the clothes on my back. I was able to buy an outfit or two, but I really missed my clothes. Upon returning to Moscow (two weeks later), the airline people had found my luggage and were to deliver the luggage to the hotel that day. Three days later, I got in contact with an AA representative and in my best Russian, told him that if I didn’t get my luggage ASAP, I would never fly AA again.

I got my luggage that day.

Fast forward three months. I was going back home. When I went to the airport from Moscow, I checked my bags through Miami. We got to Zurich, no prob. When we got to Miami…guess what? My luggage was missing. This time, it wasn’t lost: it was in the Canary islands!

I lost it completely. Luckily, the people at the AA counter were much nicer in Miami than in Russia. They calmed me down and put me on an earlier flight to Texas. I was also told I would be getting my suitcases at home.

So I get home, cranky about my luggage. I wait for my suitcases. and wait. and wait. Finally, at 800 pm, one of my neighbors arrives at my house with my two suitcases. It seems that the courier for AA could not bother to read the addresses correctly and simply left the suitcases at my neighbor’s house!!


{ 3 comments… read them below or add one }

saw October 8, 2009 at 5:33 pm

Roslin… not much to say here, but I'll leave a comment so you won't feel left out 😉



theblackdog October 9, 2009 at 10:04 am

Boy you handled it better than I would have.


vacationagent October 21, 2009 at 9:28 am

How was the travel agency responsible for the airline losing your luggage? My guess is the group decision maker chose price and that's the schedule that came with "cheapest way to get from Texas to Moscow. "


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