July 2007. My mother and I flew down to Georgia for my cousin’s wedding. The wedding was lovely and everything was great until we attempted to return home (our flight was scheduled for 6pm Sunday). First off there was a 20 minute delay boarding the plane for unknown reasons; once all passengers were boarded there was another 20 minute delay before we began taxiing. After taxiing for several minutes our plane lost power and everything went dark. We were uncontrollably skidding down the runway. After what seemed like an eternity, the lights flickered and power returned, the pilot came over the loud speaker announcing we had experienced unexpected power failure and would have to return to our gate for further instructions.
After several hours of waiting, the flight attendant announces that the next flight out would be arriving in 3 hours and we were more than welcome to stay the night and fly out in the morning. Of course, the airline was not offering to pay for anything other than an exchange flight so we chose to wait it out for the next flight.
We didn’t arrive home until 6am the following morning, which gave just enough time to shower and drive to work. Sleep? What sleep?
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Sorry this happened to you, but it really isn't a flight from hell. This kind of experience happens every night in every airport.
I'd be freaked out if that happened to me. The power outage, not the delay. I'd rather have the delay!
Last week on the way home from Vegas my flight was delayed 6 hours because of weather. I didn't bother to submit a story. Pretty much an every day thing. The power out thing sucked though.
That's probably the only reason they wrote it.