Salutation: Mr. X
State: NY
Zip code: 13126
Country: United States
Category: Complaint/Concern
Travel time frame: Past Travel
Nature of feedback: Airport Experience
Origin city: PHL
Destination city: PHX
Flight number: 252
Travel date: 01/24/09
Ticket Number: E-Ticket
Confirmation code: ER2CCC/US
Airport information: PHOENIX AIRPORT FLIGHT 252 ARRIVAL ~1:00 pm GATE
Comments: Dear Sir or Madam,
After completing my flight from PHL to PHX on the 24th of Jan 2009 I personally witnessed the following issues with regards to both your baggage handler (White Gentlemen, wearing a black knit cap and a USAIRWAYS uniform) remove my luggage (as well as others) from the plane and fling it to the tarmac approximately 6 feet with no consideration of the luggage or its contents. I took the following steps to have this issue addressed:
1) I confronted the captain of flight 252 and he told me that there was nothing he could do and refused to contact any of the ground crew who were responsible for these actions (including the ground crew supervisor).
2) When exiting the plane I told the flight attendant at the counter,who was at the exit, the story of the improper handling of my luggage. She stated that the there was nothing she could do and could/would not contact any supervisors to clear up this issue. She referred me to the website address. However, I stressed that I wanted to talk to a supervisor and was told by her (and another woman not in uniform) that a company of US Airways size could not handle such matters personally and that I could NOT contact a supervisor.
3) I next went to the consumer information counter on the same floor and they repeated that they could not do anything but again suggested that I contact USAIRWAYS via email or contact the baggage handling department.
4) I proceeded to the baggage claim area where one of the attendants contacted her supervisor who I discussed the incident with. She stated that she would contact the baggage handler supervisor and report the incident but again reiterated that I needed to use your website for such complaints and that no senior management personnel were available.
4) I finally proceeded to pick up my damaged bag that had scratches, scuff marks and broken handle and proceeded to my hotel (Marriott in Mesa, AZ).
In summary, I am totally shocked at what I witnessed. Should the same incident happen to the captain of the plane’s luggage I am sure there would have been serious and instant resolution to such a matter.
This then leads me to believe that the people in the chain of command at your airports are nothing but drones who only answer to corporate senior executives (who no longer care about the goings with your aircraft). I am also shocked to learn that while a pilot or stewardess can have people removed from a plane due to safety concerns cannot immediately address such issues as the mishandling of luggage. I am extremely disappointed with the captain of this aircraft and the airport personnel since they cannot handle such simple matters as this incident. I would like to go on record that I think that the captain, co-pilot and people at the exit door and finally the baggage handler should have letters placed in their files for the insensitivity in the way that this matter was handled by each and every one of them, with the exception of the baggage claim supervisor.
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This is why I don't fly USAir 😉
you do realize that baggage handlers are most often airport employees and not airline staff?
Dear Brainiac,
Thanks for taking the time to bother the captain of your flight about this. Your distraction was probably just the thing he needed to relieve him of the boredom of trying to make sure the glorified Campbell's soup can he is flying doesn't go nose-first into a cornfield at Mach 3 somewhere in the Midwest.
Did you know the flight personnel on your plane and the baggage handling ground personnel in your airport work for entirely DIFFERENT companies? This is kind of like complaining about crappy McDonald's drive-through service to your bank teller. Not only does she not care, but she has far more important things to do.
GOD bless you-
Captain Art Griego
thanks captain douche