Bathroom Fiasco

April 13, 2009

in Weather Stories

I don’t remember where I was flying to but it was from Louisville. I was in the bathroom when the pilot announced that all passengers must take their seats as we were heading into some turbulence. Before I had a chance to finish up, we hit that turbulence. I bounced up, hit my head on the ceiling and landed sprawled on the floor with my face in the toilet. I have no idea how my body got twisted around like that – I felt like a contortionist.

People must have heard the commotion in the bathroom because when I came out, the people on the aisle in the last couple of rows of seats all turned to look at me. Hmmm, not sure if it was the noise my body made slamming into the roof or floor or if it was the loud “HOLY SHIT” coming from my mouth they heard.

{ 2 comments… read them below or add one }

PA April 26, 2009 at 5:15 pm

Scary! There was an article on CNN last week about a woman who is paralyzed from the neck down because of a similar incident.


Anonymous May 25, 2009 at 9:59 am

This happened recently on a flight into McAllen, TX and the woman ended up being paralyzed from from the neck down.


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