qatar airways

I have been an international business traveler for over two decades now. My story starts on my way back from a long stretch in Kuwait.


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About two years ago an opportunity came up for me to travel to India through a program with the university that I attended. I was a little nervous about such a long flight, and since I was flying coach I expected it to be a little rough. On the way to India I “lucked out” […]


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I flew back home to Germany from Lahore, Pakistan via Qatar with Qatar Airways as my husband comes from there and I was visiting his family. As I hadn’t thought about reserving a seat, I got the absolutely worst seat between two other people in the middle row! On my right was an older woman who was obviously accompanied with […]


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On Dec. 22 6:30am we checked in on flight 613 in Bangkok scheduled to fly out 8:15. The plane was basically empty. We departed from the gate, got on the runway only to hear the captain say we were returning because of engine problems. After a 3 hour wait they said the flight was being […]

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