Media Inquiries
We can be reached via email at:
Members of the media are welcome to quote and reference our website content as long as the site is attributed to as the source of material. You’re welcome to include our website header and logo as well; they can be found here: Contact & Linking.
For information about Flights From Hell, check out the About Us and FAQ pages. See the News Media page for articles published by the media about the site.
If you’d like to contact a story’s author, please know that most stories are anonymously submitted. Occasionally an author will provide an email address to us when submitting a story. In such cases we’ll be more than happy to try to contact an author for you.
We don’t collect statistical data, such as the number of complaints submitted about specific airlines. The search window, located towards the top left of the website, can be used to find airlines mentioned in stories, among other topics. The Categories section in the far right column of the website organizes stories by specific topics (other than Odds & Ends which is for mixed topics).