Flights From Hell was pleasantly surprised to find out via an article published in WSU News that it played a role in an academic research project. The project was run by Joel Anaya, a senior in Hospitality Business Management at Washington State University.
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Airlines aren’t known for the quality of their food, but a woman on a Qantas flight wasn’t expecting her snack to be a complete gross-out. While flying from Los Angeles to Melbourne, Australia Victoria Cleven discovered an unexpected ingredient in the package of trail mix that she purchased on the plane. While eating the food […]
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Flights From Hell was sent a link to the video below by a friend of the videographer. The video, taken recently at Albuquerque’s airport, shows an individual who’s very upset at a gate agent for refusing to allow him to board a flight because he’s inebriated and agitated. Although the traveler pleads that he has […]
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Travel Tips for Tots from the blog, Mother-eff’d, is a filmed story from writer and comedian Johanna Stein. In the video, Stein describes an icky incident that occurred on an airplane while she tried to distract her screaming child with a hand puppet fashioned out of an air sickness bag. A written narrative about the ordeal […]
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There are a number of blogs that do a commendable job describing the lifestyles and on-the-job experiences of flight attendants. The vast majority of them are written by women, reflecting the greater preponderance of women in the profession. While male FAs are a decided minority (approximately 26% of FAs in the U.S. are male), at […]
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Concerns about airport scanners and privacy issues have come to a head. Many travelers have raised objections over images being taken by full-body scanners of their private anatomy, what some have termed a “virtual strip search.” TSA claimed that citizens had no need to worry since scanners couldn’t “store, print, transmit or save” images, and images […]
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What is it about flying that makes seemingly normal people go bonkers? There are countless news stories, including some on our site, about passengers who turn belligerent, become violent, or commit bizarre acts. Transgressions aren’t limited solely to passengers. Recently a Delta flight was canceled because two female flight attendants reportedly got into a fistfight, […]
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Concerns about airline security have been on the forefront of international consciousness. Efforts being undertaken to provide safe air travel have led to debates about security versus personal privacy. Stories are posted on Flights From Hell describing grievances about poor treatment received by airport security staff (click here for the most recent one). While the videos below definitely won’t allay […]
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Recently two travel bloggers – Christopher Elliott ( and Steve Frischling (Flying With Fish) were served subpoenas by Department of Homeland Security agents for posting a Transportation Security Administration (TSA) directive on their blogs. The directive outlined security procedures that were being implemented in response to the attempted destruction of a US airplane via a bomb […]
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The picture below has been making the rounds, including recently on The Jay Leno Show. The photo was received by the blog Unusual attitude which is on the aviation news site Flightglobal. The blog stated that it purportedly was taken by an American Airlines flight attendant concerned about inconveniences and safety issues. Click here to see a follow-up post from […]
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