Flights From Hell flies you into the crazy skies with stories about the adventures and anxieties of airplane travel.

Commercial airline travel takes us far, far out of our comfort zone. We're herded into cylinders that zip hundreds of miles per hour at 30,000 feet, subjected to security screenings, confronted with delays and lost luggage, rushed to catch connecting flights, constrained to small seats, scrunched up with strangers, and surrounded by pathogens. Is it any wonder we end up becoming a bundle of raw nerves by journey's end?

Dear Air Canada, Call me…

August 11, 2017 Luggage Stories

So I like to think of myself as a relatively easy going person, particularly when it comes to travel, with the general idea that it will all work out eventually and isn’t worth freaking out about. This has made dealing with student-affordable airfare a little easier. Air Canada has broken me of this mindset.

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A Pocket Full of Vomit

August 6, 2017 Seat Stories

My sister and brother-in-law flew Virgin Airlines for a wedding anniversary celebration to Tahiti last year. Upon their return their reply to the question,”How was your holiday?” resulted in this story, and consequently I would never recommend this airline.

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Family Faces Travel Fiasco

July 7, 2017 Odds & Ends Stories

July 1st marked the worst travel experience my husband, daughter and I have ever had anywhere in the world. Beyond the massive delay and missed connection, the customer service from British Airways was horrific. It was not until we boarded our flight 6 hours later that we were able to speak to actual BA personnel. […]

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Travelers Tangle Over Baggage Placement

July 4, 2017 Luggage Stories

This probably wasn’t a flight from Hell, but it was at least from Heck, or maybe Purgatory.

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Old 747s and a Prayer

June 8, 2017 Airplane Stories

My spouse, a friend and I took a tour of the Holy Land last year. We all sat in the same row next to each other. Since I had flown internationally several times, I thought El Al Airlines would provide the same excellent international flying experience I had received on other airlines. Boy, was I […]

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“Do Not Fly” List Proposed

June 4, 2017 Flying Hell Commentary

People who fly are just like people who drive cars. About 5% of them cause at least 90% of the problems.

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Passenger Languishes in a Lavatory

May 29, 2017 Odds & Ends Stories

Twenty-five years ago I was on a vacation in Turkey, and even though I had carefully selected the package to include a flight back in the afternoon directly to Bremen, alas luck would not have it.

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Two Tales of Dreadful Flights

May 22, 2017 Odds & Ends Stories

I’m a frequent flier but my family is new to this, even though they are becoming more “frequent.” I’ll share a couple of stories, even though they probably don’t rate anywhere the seriousness of most of these posts.

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Airlines Should Provide Painkillers, a Drink, and an Apology

May 12, 2017 Odds & Ends Stories

Well – first it was the flight from hell as anyone knows who has traveled on very old F100s. The last two rows actually rattle your brain, and also have the ability to throw any drinks at you due to engine tremors.

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“Mr. Star” Extorts Fee for Carry-On

May 7, 2017 Luggage Stories

Dear Mr. Star, It is time we had a talk. Me, myself and I can no longer fly with you. It’s not me, it is you. For years, we have fallen head over heels for your illusion of cheap fares, only to be stung by new and inventive fees. Each time I have flown with […]

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Hag Accuses Passenger of Playing with Himself

April 28, 2017 Passenger Stories

My wife showed me this site and we both enjoyed it. I thought I’d submit a flight from hell story that happened when I was a teenager. So without further ado I present to you a story about a Moral High Ground Passenger.

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Family Threatened to Be Booted Off Plane

April 23, 2017 Baby & Kid Stories

The flight from Canada to Mexico was very uneventful. My kid slept all the way through, eight hours. After ten days in the sun and beach, we headed back to the airport in Cancun. I was traveling with my wife, kid, mom, mother-in-law, sister-in-law and my nine-year-old nephew. The hotel we stayed at was a […]

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