Small Airline has Big Problems

November 30, 2010

in Odds & Ends Stories

This past summer I was flying with my family back home to Texas from Cancun, Mexico. We arrived at the airport and turned all our papers in when we got the news that our plane broke down and we had to wait 8 hours to get a new one (it was a small airline company). The airport in Mexico would not let us leave for some reason and if we tried, they could shoot us. So I had to sit there at a Bubba Gump shrimp restaurant for longer than ANYONE should ever have to. Unless you bought a special blinking light-up cup, there were no refills. When the plane finally arrived 9 hours late, we were all searched by the flight attendants by hand.

Earlier that day, we had upgraded our seats to first class so we would be first off the plane and wouldn’t have to wait in line at immigration. It was expensive, but that line can take hours. When we landed they said they “broke the runway.” How can a damn plane break the RUNWAY?! They ran over the connector or something so we had to wait an hour and a half before anyone could do anything about it, just sitting on the plane. Someone finally figured out how to get us off; however they jammed the front door so we had to leave out the back. We were going to be the LAST people off the plane.

As we finally got to immigration and waited for a little over an hour, the entire crew cut in front of us when we were next. We had to wait an extra 30 minutes. I am never ever using small airline services again.

{ 12 comments… read them below or add one }

david November 30, 2010 at 6:55 pm

well now thats believable……if we leave the airport they could shoot us? really? i know mexico has some problems but their government isnt that corrupt, its the gangs that are the problem……and you would have all these human right clashes if that was even close…….arrested if you try to go back through security more likely

you buy expensive tickets just so you dont have to wait a little longer? i wish i had money like that to throw around and whats so important that you cant wait a little longer….you do realize that you can just walk a little faster when you get off the plane?


Karl December 1, 2010 at 2:30 am

How come you can't tell us what airline, flight number, type or airport you landed? Anything at all? All you wrote is "a small airline". They will shoot you if you want to leave? Do I suspect another tale?


Huck December 1, 2010 at 4:12 am

I've been to Cancun 6 times and to other parts of Mexico multiple times. You would not be shot LEAVING a secured area. You would have to go back thru security to get back in. Example. My girlfriend was meeting me a day later in Cancun (schedule issues and breakups but not important). I was standing outside where people leave the airport with a Taxi dispatcher that could check on flights. When her flight was landed and luggage unloaded, I started toward the airport exit not even thinking it was a secured area. It had no security check just gaurds. When I approached the door they asked where I was going then it hit me that I was trying to ENTER a secured area. They just told me to wait outside. No shots fired, no guns pulled, not even a body check.


rerere December 1, 2010 at 11:44 am

FINNALY! An actual flight from hell! Not another fake Paul story! THANK YOU! Anyway, that sucks waiting in the airport for 9 hours. At least you made it there safely.


rerere December 1, 2010 at 11:45 am



PAUL December 2, 2010 at 3:36 pm

You are thinking of me way too much. And, again my stories are not fake…if I said they all happened last week (which you were hoping for some irrelevant reason), it would be questionable. I do have to say it is nice you didn't trash the writer for something (like most folks do); they want to read something bad but then find something to complain about anyways.


Jessica December 3, 2010 at 10:32 am

Paul, I think you rock!


Jet December 2, 2010 at 5:33 pm

Never using small airline services again? It's hardly fair to judge all small airlines on one bad experience with a single small airline… for all you know this could be a one time occurrence with this carrier.


Bob December 2, 2010 at 5:46 pm

Small Airline that the airline's name? I've flown the a "small airline" last summer and it was better than a "big airline"


ps December 3, 2010 at 2:42 am

Little airline? Hey, the cheaper the ticket and the smaller the airline, the bigger the risk. You get what you pay for. And welcome to Mexico. It's not the US. And in closing, yes, you had a flight from hell. Your flight was the real deal flite from hell-wise.


Paz December 8, 2010 at 2:04 pm



mick December 17, 2010 at 11:46 pm

I think you know the answer to this already – don't be a cheapskate, and, next time, fly one of the major airlines.


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