I unintentionally started something in 2011 when I posted some gross photos of hotel filth to my Facebook page. The response was revulsion, but Car Crash kind of revulsion. People couldn’t look away. So, the next time I saw something – and it didn’t take long – I posted it. Same response. And then… people started […]


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I recently took a flight with my baby, whom I’ve never had any problems flying with. In fact, I’ve had people compliment me on how well he flies. This flight, however, ended in disaster, pain, and blood.


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After a whirlwind weekend visiting friends in Orlando, Florida, my girlfriend and I were headed home to Houston, Texas. We had chosen to fly home on a Tuesday, as prices would be lower and the airports generally less crowded, making traveling out of a busy airport like Orlando a little easier.


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My wife and I were going on our first-ever cruise to the Bahamas in July, 2015. The flight took us from Dulles airport in northern Virginia to Miami, then from Miami back to Dulles on the return trip. Our cruise was wonderful, and we came away from it relaxed and ready to return to Virginia. […]


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I have been an American Airlines frequent flyer for many, many years. I don’t fly the airline nearly as much now that we have moved to Hilton Head Island, since connections from Savannah are generally not as good as they are for other airlines to the destinations we fly to.


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Flight 873 American Airlines was everything but routine. If bad karma existed. I hope that the company goes down in flames.


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So there I was flying home to Salt Lake City from a nice vacation in Florida on the Gulf Coast. I am not overly fond of flying to begin with, but if I’m going to leave this earth I want to see what’s coming, so I always book a window seat.


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It’s not just the airplanes that have all the fun. I was at a ticket counter attempting to reason with a foreign-born person (I assume) at the Chicago airport about my ticket. There was a serious mistake that had been made during the connecting flight and I was trying to get the agent to understand […]


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My husband and I went on our first trip together to Japan for our honeymoon. We had a great experience, but the return trip was not as smooth! 


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I was flying alone from Orlando back home to Phoenix. I got my window seat that I paid extra for (or should I say my company paid extra for) and sat down. A few minutes later, some girl about 14 comes up and is the most polite thing ever. She asks to switch seats so […]


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June 2006 – Montreal to Memphis: After a wonderful trip to Canada with my aunt and uncle, we were looking forward to coming home to Memphis and attending my cousin’s wedding that evening. We were approaching the Memphis area when the pilot began circling; a massive storm was barreling down over Memphis causing all incoming […]


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I didn’t want to find out when I flew from Denver to Philadelphia that all of the flights to New York got canceled for the night. Even though I stood in a long line for two hours, unable to charge my cell phone, I couldn’t get a hotel voucher because they ran out of them. Regardless […]

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