Ruing The Rules

September 30, 2009

in Luggage Stories

Having flown from Atlanta to Las Vegas in April 2008, we were well aware of Delta’s baggage rules. BUT, a week later upon checking in to return to Atlanta, we were told about new baggage fees. So we shuffled things together (in a rush, because seat selection was at the gate) and avoided the ‘extra bag fee.’ The agent was ‘understanding,’ but could not bend the new rule, but he waited patiently for us to re-pack the bags. In the rush, we forgot that we were carrying TSA-forbidden liquids; which TSA had to throw away to the tune of about $50.

After getting home and asking Delta’s ‘customer no-service’ to reimburse the loss, we got nothing but their placing ALL blame on TSA. They refused to accept that they could have waived the new DELTA rule for return flights, rather than surprise people who had well known the rules that Delta changed mid-trip! TSA had not changed their rules! But Delta had set us up.

{ 6 comments… read them below or add one }

ps October 1, 2009 at 3:07 am

You should have sucked it up and paid the fee. As a result of your decision, you ended up spending $50 to save a $25 baggage fee. With that logic you should be the Speaker of the House.


david October 1, 2009 at 1:41 pm

um why are you blaiming delta for something that was your fault? they aren't the ones who say you cant bring such items on a plane, so there is no need for them to reimberse you, and its easy to find out what items are allowed and what aren't so yeah

take the loss as its your problem not the airlines


saw October 1, 2009 at 5:45 pm

Well… if the airlines are going to change baggage rules, they need to grandfather the old rules into people on unfinished itineraries… That's just common sense. If you packed 2 bags going out under the assumption that the cost was X, then it's not fair to impose fee Y on you as part of the return, because you have no control once you've left your home. I think Delta should have reimbursed any baggage fee they charged you in excess of what you paid on the outbound.


Beth October 3, 2009 at 4:57 am

Dl does grandfather in- e.g. For tickets purchased on or after September 19, 2009 for travel on or after October 13, 2009


saw October 3, 2009 at 7:12 pm

Beth… Yes… but that doesn't cover everyone – if the itinerary spans the grandfather date.


Sara August 15, 2017 at 6:51 pm

I only fly SW…. at least I know what I am getting … F Delta, F United, FAmerican they are going to go bankrupt after I put my curse on them.


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