Molested By Wandering Arms And Hands

June 26, 2009

in Passenger Stories

I was on a flight home from a family reunion and I was traveling alone which I had never done. When I sat down on the plane I had a bad feeling. I had ended up with a middle seat in the middle aisle and that is never good. Much to my dismay two hefty gentlemen sat down on either side of me and to say they were a little tipsy was a definite understatement. That is when I started to get nervous.

We had not even made it to the end of the runway before they started talking to me and each other. They were talking so loud it was hurting my ears and I was getting very embarrassed. Then came the leaning and the reaching over me to talk to each other. Needless to say I got molested a few times by wandering arms and hands. I finally had to put my hands on both arm rest and restrain them from reaching over me. Then one started to talk to me about going on a date and breathing that rankness in my face almost shouting. Fortunately the flight attendant kept checking on me but there was not other place to move to.

Much to my dismay I realized this was a 2hr nonstop flight. By the time we landed I had the worst headache and felt very violated. That has to be the worst flight of my life. I have not flown alone since and never will again.

{ 7 comments… read them below or add one }

Trixi June 22, 2009 at 10:55 am

Hopefully you enjoy your home, because I foresee you spending alot of time there. Alone. I mean really, the audacity, they TALKED to you! Too funny.


MJ June 22, 2009 at 11:00 am

This sounds extremely unpleasant, but I don't really think it's a reason to never fly alone again. I've regularly flown by myself and have never had anything like this happen. In the future, try to book early enough that you can choose your own seat and make sure you have an aisle or window.


Anonymous June 22, 2009 at 1:19 pm

Hey Trixi,

Who are you to say anything bad about this person?? Were you on the flight? I think not! Maybe it wasnt that they talked to this person, maybe it was more about what they talked about.. Shut up and keep your comments to yourself!!


Jodi June 23, 2009 at 4:04 am

I'm so sorry you felt violated. I'm shocked the FA didn't find a guy to switch seats with you. I would have insisted. And as a woman who has traveled alone before, I totally understand what you're saying. Someone leaning over you to "talk" to someone else as an excuse to cop a feel isn't fun. So ignore the Trixies of the world.


Nacho June 23, 2009 at 4:19 am

I completely agree with Jodi. Especially as a woman, I would have felt very uncomfortable in your situation, and I'm just as shocked that at least one of the men didn't offer to trade, or that an FA didn't offer to help by switching your seat.


David June 23, 2009 at 6:21 pm

I don't see any reason a man has a duty to switch seats with a female with whom he has no relationship. If a female thinks this other female needs help, she can help.


Nacho June 24, 2009 at 4:53 am

David: The point isn't that it's chivalrous, but that to NOT do so while engaging in conversation with a person to the other side is incredibly rude. It's a non-gender issue, but the fact that the OP is a woman makes it more skeezy.


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