Flying Boogers

April 30, 2009

in Illness/Medical Stories

My 5 year old son and I took our annual trip to NY this February to visit family. On our return trip home to MN, I was unfortunately lucky to be sitting in the aisle seat on a Northwest Airlines. Not that I have any issues with NW but aisle seats, YES!! I always, ALWAYS get a window seat but was not so lucky to be able to reserve one.

On my not so lucky day I happened to be sitting across the aisle from a “gentleman” who sniffled and coughed from the start of the flight but we all have those days, no big deal. I was tolerant only up until this occurred: he let out the biggest, nasal clearing sneeze and I cannot fathom even until now, HOW it happened. But, it did!! The biggest, grossest ball of you-know-what flew from his nasal cavity and landed on my right cheek!!!! The only reaction I had when it happened is that I instantaneously froze and in that moment let out a “JESUS C****T!!” while trying desperately not to throw up.

I am the mother of a toddler and I can handle most throw-ups, burps, etc but this was beyond anything I was ready for. Sad part about it, he never once apologized or looked in my direction! I know he heard me! I made the mad dash for the bathroom and tried to cleanup as best I could, praying to get home to take a very hot shower!!

Next time, I am paying extra for the window seat but somehow I think that won’t save me from flying boogers!

{ 3 comments… read them below or add one }

Sabrina August 21, 2009 at 12:50 pm

ew. Some people are so rude. He should have at least apologized to you.


Mr Bean October 21, 2011 at 2:42 am

Yuk yuk yuk


one February 23, 2013 at 1:14 am

you should have asked him if he wanted his booger back


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