Unruly Kids (And Their Parents)

August 19, 2008

in Non-Stories

Heard about the most recent case involving a family that was ejected from their flight for having unruly kids? You can read about it in Harriet Baskas’ Well Mannered Traveler column, and watch a news clip below. There was also a recent incident involving an autistic child and his mother who were kicked off of a plane. And wait until you read the stories about children and flying in our Babies & Kids category.

What do you think airlines should do when faced with the problem? Should there be a separate family section on airplanes? Share your comments.

Sheila July 23, 2008 at 11:36 am

Tough! If you can't control your kids, don't take them! Just because it was their first time to fly it doesn't give them a free pass to act like fools.

I can understand the autistic child having a short attention spam and special needs but that's when you should contact the airline ahead of time and let them know. It's also the responsibility of the parent to make sure they have plenty of activities for the flight.

The Grandmother wants her $2K back? Tough… deal with it lady and while the kids are at your house, discipline them!

Angela October 18, 2008 at 5:05 am

I will read the full story.

No, I don't think that there should be a separate section for "families" on airplanes.

Society has gotten a bit too stuffy. We sweat the small stuff way too much. Personally, I don't worry about what other people are doing, whether those people are kids or "adults." Moreover, sometimes adults act much worse than even the most "unruly" children.

Airplanes should handle "unruly" children like they would any other passengers.

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